Featuring Robert Duncan, Van Morrison, Andrew Schelling, Ron Mann, Kristin Prevallet, more
More recordings at https://www.writing.upenn.edu/pennsound/x/Adam.php
I've always thought "In and Out of the Horn-Beam Maze" would be well-served by a David Tibet cover version.
Yes, Cosmic Scholar is pretty great, particularly for the years before he gets to NYC. Thanks for the pointer to the De Angulo book - I put it on hold at my library!
More recordings at https://www.writing.upenn.edu/pennsound/x/Adam.php
I've always thought "In and Out of the Horn-Beam Maze" would be well-served by a David Tibet cover version.
Yes, Cosmic Scholar is pretty great, particularly for the years before he gets to NYC. Thanks for the pointer to the De Angulo book - I put it on hold at my library!